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We Want To Hear From You

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I want to start by expressing my gratitude to you for stopping by and checking this blog out. It really does mean a lot to me!

I started Wilde Escape just before 2020. And we all know how that year went. In a nutshell, the economy and world have completely changed.

You can even read my blog about it here. Damn COVID.

This blog has gone through a few different transformations, but I feel it keeps getting better. Another thing is that it’s not just about enjoying everything this life offers but also making sure you are ready for what life throws at you.

Being Prepared

More than ever, I think we all believe in preparing for anything that can happen.

This can feel impossible, but if you go to the blog’s preparedness section, you will be more prepared than many of your friends.

Is there something that you want to learn more about? That would be great to know! Feel free to share any questions with me below.

It’s always great to have as much information as I can. That way, I can make posts that you actually want to learn more about.

I Want To Hear From You

Since you are still reading, I would like to know if there is anything you want me to write about.

If you click on “The Blog” at the top of your screen, you will see the topics I cover.

Such as, is there a particular piece of gear you want a review on? Or maybe you have more questions about a post I’ve written in the past.

On that note, I plan on going back and updating. One example is I discovered a new and better way of using my AeroPress. Thank you to a co-worker. It’s basically using it upside down!


My overall goal has always been to make Wilde Escape a place you can go to for fun and interesting articles that you can learn from.

We all have different backgrounds, and I have really enjoyed reading your comments and emails. Not only that, but as I’m sure you know, many of the posts come from your questions!

So please leave me a comment below on anything you are interested in learning about.

I have very much enjoyed writing and creating the Wilde Escape blog. But I want to go further this year. I want to create more content that you truly want to read.

Another idea I recently had was to start listing all my “Life Hacks.” I know many sites are out there, but I thought it would be a fun project. So there is another thing you can comment about below, what is your own life hack that has changed your life?

Leave A Comment Below

I hope you know that I am very honored to have you here.

I will reply to everyone that leaves a comment below. I also understand that sometimes people don’t want to leave a comment. If that is the case, you can email me personally at

Thanks again. I look forward to hearing from you!


Share The Wilde Escape

4 thoughts on “We Want To Hear From You”

  1. I think the idea of your website is actually promising. Who doesn’t want to read articles to give them inspirational ideas? Although your content is promising I would like to see a bit more visuals. Add pictures to get people really engaged. Also add a bit more descriptions of your site. Maybe a little more information about yourself. Overall keep up the good work. 

    • I agree with the visuals. That needs to happen. I was also thinking about doing videos sometime soon. Thanks for the input.

  2. Interesting article! Your website seems really clean and I like your style of writting. I also like the concept of this blog and it’s name is well-chosen. I like to be prepared for future things too. 

    There is something that I would like to learn more about: I would like to know more about time management and enjoying your time while making the most of it. Also some idea on how to spend your free time in enjoyable activities. Thank you for this very interesting blog! 


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