Celebrating Four Years of Wilde Escape: A Journey to Rediscovering My Blog

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Four years have come and gone, and today, I am thrilled to celebrate a significant milestone – the fourth anniversary of Wilde Escape!

This journey has been a rollercoaster of experiences, emotions, and personal growth.

As I reflect on this special occasion, I want to share with you how my blog has evolved and my plans for its future.

Balancing Actbalancing-stones

Between the demands of building my business, working a full-time job, and embracing the many joys life offers, I haven’t prioritized this blog as I should (mainly this year).

As a writer, it’s sometimes challenging to find the time and energy to dedicate to personal projects, especially when juggling other responsibilities.

However, I’ve realized that Wilde Escape is not just a blog; it’s a vital part of my journey, a creative outlet, and a source of happiness.

This year, I am determined to make a change!

Writing is not just my passion but also my business, and I’ve decided to reinvest in the platform that brings me so much joy.

Wilde Escape will be receiving more attention with consistent and engaging content that you want to read. I want to create a space where readers can find inspiration, knowledge, and moments of escape from their daily lives.

But remember, I need your help with this.

Your Ideas and Thoughts

I want to take this opportunity to invite you to share your thoughts and ideas with me.

Here are a few thoughts for you to think about:

  • What topics or themes would you like to see covered on Wilde Escape?
  • Is something specific that has sparked your interest or questions you’d like me to explore?

Over the last four years, I’ve received many emails and comments, and I want you to know that your input is invaluable as I strive to make this blog a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to reach out through comments, emails, or social media to share your suggestions and feedback. You can always contact me here, too (with a new easy to fill-out form)!

A New Look

I know what you are thinking: I must write more and stop playing with the blog’s look.

But you might have noticed a change – our logo has transformed!

The response so far has been overwhelmingly positive, and I couldn’t be happier. I believe that a new logo represents the evolution and growth of Wilde Escape, and I hope it resonates with you as well.

Plus, who doesn’t like having Big Foot in the logo?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this change, so don’t hesitate to share your feedback.

Thank You For An Epic Four Years!

As I celebrate Wilde Escape’s fourth anniversary, I am grateful for the journey and the community that has developed around it.

I am excited about the changes and improvements this year and look forward to delivering valuable content that you, my readers, will enjoy.

Again, I want you to know your ideas and feedback will play a significant role in shaping the future of this blog, so please keep them coming!

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey and helping me build something that brings me joy.

Here’s to many more years of adventure, inspiration, and connection through Wilde Escape.

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2 thoughts on “Celebrating Four Years of Wilde Escape: A Journey to Rediscovering My Blog”


    Four Years – Wow!

    I love the new logo.
    Anytime I see a bigfoot, it makes me smile. It is fun and playful.
    It definitely shows us more of your personality.

    Happy Anniversary, and Cheers to many more years!

    • Thanks! I know I took some time off of writing (and to build a few other websites), but Wilde Escape has been so much fun and I’m looking forward to posting more often.

      Glad you like the new logo, I worked on a few different ones but this is the one that got the most feedback.


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