“That’s Wilde!”
I started this post with something I have heard a lot lately. “THAT’S WILDE!”
I’ve looked it up on a few websites because I wanted to know what that really means.
The thing I’ve seen the most is referring to something that is crazy (but with more emphasis) or describing something surprising.
Well, with the Wilde Escape blog, I hope to do both. I want to provide you with something fun, unexpected, and surprising.
Hi, I’m Eric, and I’m here to introduce you to my epic blog, Wilde Escape.
You might wonder if this is the first time I’ve created a blog.
Well, no, it isn’t. In fact, I have attempted to create a few other blogs in the past, but let’s say they didn’t work out to anything. I honestly think only a few people even read it. Thanks, Mum!
But this time is different!
After enlisting a few friends for advice and assistance, I started picking their brains about what would be a good blog to write.
My goal is to create a blog that will become a community. A community with the same mindset toward enjoying the small things in life and spending time outdoors.
We all have passions.
I love everything outdoors (except snakes), and I’m always looking for new gear. Bonus points if it can serve multiple purposes. This ties into my lifelong goal of trying to become a minimalist.
Sticking with the theme of enjoying the small things in life, I made a post about being prepared for whatever life throws at you.
You never know what will happen, and 2020 was no exception.
Feel free to contact me at any time.
My email is Eric@WildeEscape.com
About Me
I have always been an introvert. Well, that is true until you get to know me. Or if coffee is involved.
Speaking of coffee, let me know if you have an amazing way of making yours!
Overall, I don’t think I have a crazy, exciting story. But since you are reading this, let’s see where it takes us.
I lived in three states while growing up. My family settled in California, but please don’t hold that against me. In my heart, as well as most of my family, all live in the Midwest.
You will find me outside when I’m not working (or working on this blog).
There isn’t one activity I like more, but I have spent most of my time camping, hiking, biking, shooting, and going on road trips.
If you are wondering, I have converted my car (a 2013 Toyota Rav4). It’s been nice to be able to escape anytime I want, as everything I need is always ready to go.
Over the last year, to escape California, I have been spending a lot of time in Nevada, Oregon, and Utah when I can.
My last road trip took me to Colorado (the third time in the last few years).
Thanks to good friends that moved there. I cannot wait to go back!
Assuming gas prices will come down at some point!
How I Make My Living
Recently, I have been getting a lot of questions about what I do for a living.
I assume everyone wants to do something that allows them to be outdoors while making money, even a side hustle.
Having created Wilde Escape has helped me with a few things. I’ve been learning as I go (I have also purchased a few courses to learn more about this) and will share how I have done it if anyone is interested.
Most of which are currently posted on this website.
The best thing about this blog is that it has helped me escape my introverted shell. It also helped me get through a dark time in my life when I went through a divorce.
I’ve learned there are always unforeseen twists and turns throughout my life. You can either throw a pity party for yourself (which is hard to admit, but something I’ve done), or you can learn to roll with the punches the best you can (the thing I like doing).
Getting back to how I make money, I have a full-time job and work with small companies to get their online presence, do some affiliate marketing (for brands I use and like), and do some notary work.
Some of my Experiences
As you can expect, I’ve had a few jobs over the years.
I am proud to have even achieved my lifelong goal as well. But instead of writing all about that, I’ll share some of my jobs here.
- Data entry and claim processing
- Cleaning houses and businesses
- Lots of customer service jobs
- Gun range safety officer
- Armored transportation
- Law enforcement
- Retail and Sales
- House Sitting
- Pet sitting
- Yardwork
I’m sure there are more in there, but that is what I can think about right now.
If you have any questions, let me know. You can leave a comment below or send me an email.
My Passions
As mentioned above, I am passionate about gear and learning to live with less.
One thing that makes me smile is that I seem to be my friends and family’s go-to for gear questions, especially if they are considering purchasing but want to know more about it.
If the said gear can serve more than one purpose, you can bet I’m all in!
If you are wondering, MacGyver was one of my favorite TV shows growing up.
I also enjoy finding hacks for everyday life. I would share some of my hacks with you, but I decided to write a blog about it. If you have any hack that isn’t listed, leave a comment and let me know!
Okay, I’ll share one with you now. This one totally blew my mind, mainly because it always happens to me.
It deals with when you are cooking eggs, and that darn little shell slips in. Have you ever just used half of the eggshell in your hand?
I realized this a few years ago, and it has changed everything. I no longer have to try and fish out that stubborn little eggshell but can easily scoop it out with the larger, more significant eggshell piece. Game Changer!
Then, I decided to look that up on YouTube.
Sadly, I found this egg hack is old news. I thought I was a genius, but I guess not.
Twists & Turns In Life
Over the last few years, my life has taken some pretty crazy twists and turns.
One thing that has helped me out is slowly becoming an open book. I used to keep everything inside, and after a life of doing this, I soon found that it was not healthy or smart to do.
I also realized that the difficult things I’ve gone through have helped others.
Maybe this is another reason for starting this site as well. Who knew?
The example I am sharing below was one of my turning points.
A recent example of opening up is growing up in a single-family home. It started with being a Cop. After responding to a call, I could tell a young person was having some difficulties with life in general.
I gave the person my business card and advised them to call me whenever.
Not long after, we sat down at a local park and talked.
I realized that this young person believed they were alone. I decided to share some things I faced while growing up. I included that my Mum is my rock for me, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without her. I owe her my life and am so thankful for everything she has done for me.
Our discussion also included that we both grew up in a single-family home, were dyslexic, and struggled in school.
Long(er) story short, we stayed in touch. I later learned that this individual decided to work on their family relationships and even join a school sports team.
I found this encounter didn’t only help this young person but also helped me.
Going through rough times is just part of life. Yes, it can feel like the walls are falling around you. You will make it through everything if you keep your head up and walk forward.
I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for my faith and my Mum. They are both essential to me, and I depend on them regularly.
My Mum is also an ongoing cheerleader and supports all my crazy ideas. You will see her in the comment sections of blog posts!
What Makes You Happy?

This question is the big reason I started the Wilde Escape blog.
As I mentioned, not only was I going through another tough time in my life (a divorce and questioning my career choice), but I started questioning life.
As a law enforcement officer at the time, I was used to getting orders, following them, and, above all else, protecting my community.
I remember sitting in my squad car. It was about 3 or 4 a.m., a time when you were either extremely busy finishing up reports or sitting on the side of the road looking for a car to pull over.
But on this specific day, while sitting in my squad car, I started thinking about my time outside of work. I asked myself questions like:
- What did I like doing?
- Why did my wife leave me?
- Why do I drink so much alcohol?
- Why am I so stressed all the time?
- When did I last do something fun?
- Can I keep doing what I’m doing for the next 20+ years?
Within a week, I started focusing on things that made me happy. After doing this, I realized they all evolved around a few common things.
These questions helped me start this blog. The questions from above turned into one question:
I started asking everyone, “What makes you happy?” And by everyone, I do mean everyone. I started with my co-workers and then moved on to other friends, family, and people I met.
Using this as a conversation starter with people I had just met didn’t take long!
I’m not ashamed to say this, but I even asked a few people I arrested. It helped the time go by on the drive to the jail. I did pick the ones that weren’t too belligerent, but some of their answers were pretty funny.
Taking my results, I found out most of the answers all evolved around the same things.
If you want to know more, click the question above (or here) to read more. It’s one post I go back and read to this day.
This post has gotten much longer than I thought it would. So, let’s wrap it up, but feel free to ask me any further questions.
My email is listed below, or you can leave a comment anywhere on this website. I respond to everyone.
Our Blog Community
Over the years, I have enjoyed reading and following many blogs, podcasts, and YouTube videos. But my overall reason for creating this blog is to help you.
One of my greatest achievements is achieving my lifelong goal of being a first responder. The process, for me, was both challenging and the most rewarding thing I’ve done.
Since leaving, I have felt a void in my life. This blog has served many purposes, but sharing what I have learned with you is the biggest one.
The only way to continue this blog is with your help!
If you ever have questions or concerns or want to say, hey. Feel free to like, share, or comment on this blog. It’s been great connecting with so many people.
Feedback (both good and bad) is always welcome!
Again, email me at Eric@WildeEscape.com, and I will get back to you.
All the best,
Founder of the Wilde Escape blog
Freelance Content Writer
I enjoyed reading about you. Sharing your story makes the reader feel even more connected to you … and this blog.
Thank you for opening up about things you have gone through in life. Putting it in words, and in a public forum, put you in a vulnerable position. It’s great that you could do something so brave.
Yes, that’s more brave than wilderness hiking alone and sleeping in grizzly bear country.
I appreciate you sharing the inspiring experience you had with one young person while working patrol. I know your heart was always about community policing and making a difference in your community. I know, without a doubt, that you positively touched more lives than you know.
Your blogs are always interesting, and the bonus is your sense of humor comes through.
Thanks for the “shout out” to your Mum. I will admit, I got a little teary eyed reading that part.
Being your Mum has made me a better person. I am so proud of you and the man you have become!
What makes me happy?
Number One is spending time with you.
Sometimes it’s other little things like the weather cooling off so I could put on a beloved sweatshirt again!
That’s Wilde!
YOU’RE Wilde!
When there is a blog I enjoy reading, I always go to their about page. It’s cool to get to know someone a little more.
Better yet, maybe my story will help out others or turn into a longtime friendship.
Things pop into my head as I write, and I felt that an “old” patrol story would be fun. I also want people to know there are good, outstanding cops out there (that want to make a difference).
We are all human, and it’s sad some people only see a badge. I don’t want to admit it, but I know there are others that I helped out.
I’ve run into a few that have stopped me. At first, I asked if I arrested them 🙂 after a good laugh, we talked about what happened. It’s so great to hear.
And again, I hope this blog helps others too. Maybe differently, but I miss that part of my life. Thanks for being my biggest cheerleader, Mum! You are the best!
I like that you have instant access to your blog. The niche you choose is great and will offer a lot of topics for future blogs. I am new to this and this is my first feedback on a website. Good luck on achieving your goals for website! It looks great.
I am honored that you decided to leave a comment on my site. Thank you so much. Since you mentioned that you are new, don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything. I am more than willing to help you in any way I can. My email is on my About Page or Eric@WildeEscape.com
Thanks for the overall thought of the website. I changed it earlier this year and have been wondering if others like it.
Come back as I am posting weekly or daily. Take care!
You have great site with lots of things I like to read about. Keep up good work.
Thanks for the comment. My goal is to provide information about topics you want to read about. If you have any suggestions or ideas in the future, feel free to let me know. You can also email me at Eric@WildeEscape.com with topics or a piece of gear you would want me to review.