September Is National Yoga Month

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Did you know that September is National Yoga Month?

To be honest I had no clue.

In case you missed it, I posted a blog about yoga in the past. If you are wondering, yes, I am a believer in yoga. I have experienced that it can help you in many different ways.

With the world we are living in, we all need some separation, and what better way than stretching it out?

Yoga Class stretching to the side

National Yoga Month

I found out about National Yoga Month during a recent Google search. I was looking for information on taking a break from the daily grind. Or what I like to call a “Treat Yo’self” day (thank you, Parks and Rec TV series).

This was very exciting because yoga, simply put, is fantastic! I think that everyone should at least give it a few tries. I know you will be glad you did.

I remember the first time I took a yoga class. My roommate at the time, made me go. Overall, it was also a fantastic experience, and I’m still learning to this day.

You might be wondering why there is a yoga month.

That’s pretty cool because so did I. I found that it is to educate and inspire people about the health benefits and to live a healthy lifestyle.

What better month to get inspired?

We are dealing with a worldwide pandemic. California is on fire, it’s been so dang hot, and the list goes on. Not only that, but I’m sure you have watched most of Netflix by now. Take an hour and learn something new!

Lean more about National Yoga Month here.

It’s Time To Get Up & Give Yoga A Try!

Something that I have needed to work on is my posture.

I found an amazing video that does just that. I mention this because many of us spend much time on computers and our phones. I’m currently writing this lying down on my laptop.

I need to get up and sit at a table.

If you want the link, click the link to get the posture fix or watch the video below:

I have heard people say that yoga is not for them. They come up with excuses like being too old, tired, strong, or just not flexible.

You will be glad to know that even Forbes has written about these excuses.

And guess what? Even they say yoga is for everyone!

Or, maybe you don’t think you need to improve your flexibility. What about your posture?

Taking A Break

I often have to remind myself that taking a day off is okay.

I feel that between commuting to work, actually working, taking care of other life tasks, and trying to start a business, I often think there aren’t enough hours in the day.

Taking a break, stepping back, taking a breath, and realizing that there is enough time is the correct way to approach this.

If you are feeling stressed with all your to-do’s, this is the time to stop right now and take a few minutes for yourself.

Something that you could try is taking the next ten minutes for yourself. You could focus on breathing, sit quietly, or do light stretching.

Suppose you were to stretch but don’t have time for a yoga session. What do you do?

Don’t worry, and I got you!

Stretching It Out

Here is something quick that you can do while taking your ten-minute break. Spend some of it stretching. I think you will be amazed at how much better you feel afterward.

There are many videos out there. YouTube is one place to look. As for me, I will then spend a few hours looking at all the different videos and then get more stressed, having gotten nothing done.

This is why I’m posting a quick stretch video my friend, Justin, made.

It’s only a few minutes, but I will repeat the sequence several times. After watching the video, let me know your thoughts in the comments below!



Another stretching sequence I have been doing is using a foam roller.

These foam contraptions might be one of the best pieces of gear you can purchase. I even take mine on me when I’m traveling. I pack the center with clothing.

Let me know if you are interested in how I use the foam roller.

There are many different approaches, but it does a great job of releasing muscle aches and pains. It does take some getting used to, but it’s a good pain.

Can Yoga Be A Workout?

That’s a great question, and yes, it totally can be. I remember the first class I was dragged to. I was dripping sweat and realized we weren’t even halfway done!

There are even classes you can take that are in 100-degree rooms. Considering how hot it’s been recently, you can take the video above and do it outside, depending on where you are. There is always a silver lining.

Take a Break and Start Stretching

The most important thing I want to point out is remembering to take time out of your busy schedule for you.

There will be resistance, but try taking out ten minutes for yourself.

You can try this for the next week and let me know how it goes. You could go on a walk, stretch, or practice those difficult yoga moves that will not only make you feel better.

I know it helped me be in a better position to tackle the never-ending to-do list.

Let’s try something. We will call it a self-check. Let’s find out if you are doing any of the following:

  • How are you sitting?
  • Are you leaning forward, looking at your phone or computer?
  • Are you slouching your back?
  • Does your back or neck feel any discomfort?

I’m not going to lie; as I type this, I realize I’m hunched over. Something I need to focus on is my posture. So I’m going to watch the video above.

What about you?

Let’s hold each other accountable. I will work on my posture, and you will let me know what you think about yoga and/or stretching in the video above.

Leave me a comment below!

Yoga Mountain Pose with an epic view

I’m also interested if you have ever tried yoga.

Do you practice it yourself, take a class, or enjoy moving your body and becoming more flexible?

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2 thoughts on “September Is National Yoga Month”

  1. In the past, I thought the basis of yoga was force me to abandon my belief system and be a hippie. In reality, it enhances my spiritual life and gives me peace. You inspired me to take ten minutes a day to do this for myself.

    • I think that is due to where you have lived because I thought the same thing for a very long time. News Flash…it’s not at all, and actually makes you feel a whole lot better.


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