What Is Minimalism – It’s Different For Everyone

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I have had a lot of time to think recently. Interestingly, I keep being drawn to the topic of minimalism recently. Then I found a short YouTube video that made everything almost become clear to me. I’m just not sure why it took so long.

Minimalism is different for everyone.

Having gone through quite a few moves in my life. And a few years ago, settling down for a period of time, I realized I started accumulating a lot of stuff.

Then, I needed to move, and that is when I truly realized that I had way more than I needed.

Since then, I have found becoming a true minimalist has proven to be more difficult than I thought. But that hasn’t stopped me from trying.

What I Think The Perfect Office Would Look Like

Making this journey to minimalism, reading many books, and trying to fit into the realm of a true minimalist. I have hit a plateau and wondered what it all means and why it is so tough to do.

How Much Is Too Much?

The answer will not surprise you at all because it’s different for everyone.

I have also read a lot about minimalism and have done what I can, up to this point, to get rid of what I don’t need or use. But the fact remains I still have a lot of stuff.

I’m sure you can relate.

I have done a few things that have seemed to help, such as using Marie Kondo’s approach of holding each item.

Buy the way Marie has a great book, see image below, and a pretty good show on Netflix.

Using Marie’s approach, I have found I have issues with letting go of things. My reason is, “What if I need it in the future.” This is something that I am really trying to work on, and it’s easier said than done.

Like when I lived in a two-bedroom house, I also found that you tend to fill it when you have space.

Then, if you have to move into a smaller residence, what do you do? Well, I will tell you what I did. I rented a storage unit.

I know, Not Minimalist

And what is my reason for it? What if I need it in the future! Uggh.

After all, I converted my Rav4 and must keep the rear seats somewhere. Right??

So what do you think, how much is too much? Let me know in the comments below, and I’m interested in hearing your thoughts.

Interesting Thought

That brings me to the YouTube video I mentioned above. It’s from Daniel Titchener, and I actually just watched it, which made me write this and share it with you guys.

Don’t worry. This one is pretty short and sweet at around 5 minutes (start the video around 2:30).

He talks about the term “Minimalist” and that it should be used as a blanket term. Once I heard that (I think it helps when it comes from someone else), I realized he was 100% correct!

Minimalism is a blanket term that can truly mean different things to different people.

For example, I don’t think I could only have 50 items. But then again, if I get the opportunity to travel the world, I know I could live out of a backpack.

So, depending on our unique situation, it can mean different things to everyone! Duh!

What I’m Going To Do

So my new outlook on minimalism will be living within my means.

Yet, another example for you, I could not be happier to be out of debt finally. And I am focused on never having it again. I also like what I have heard many times, and Daniel mentions it as well. Not word for word, but here we go.

Making The Room In Your Life For The Things You Really Care About.

I have also really strongly considered what I have, what I use, and what I plan on buying.

If you have been reading any of my blogs, you know that I love gear. But what I need to do is buy things I will use. Case and point, I recently realized I have three tents!

Something I have started doing, taking my time on most purchases. But, if I am thinking about getting a book and it will help me with my writing, business, or life, I buy it.

As for a physical product or piece of gear, I’m looking at, I take a picture of it and DO NOT purchase it for at least a week.

I have found that a week is a good period of time. Sometimes I completely forget about it until I look at my photos or screenshots. Now we know what that means. I didn’t really need it, and it would have been an impulse buy.

These simple things I have been doing have worked great. And something else I have noticed, I don’t have buyer’s guilt anymore, either! Not sure if you have experienced that, but I used to get it ALL the time.

What Do You Think?

Sometimes if we put ourselves into a label, group, or box, we later have difficulty getting out of.

But why? It’s not worth it. You are not just one thing, and many things about you make you, you. Wating to live with more and within your means is just one small part of you.

I really have liked the minimalist communities that have sprouted over the years. But I guess I’m not a ” True ” minimalist. And Daniel’s video helped me to realize that.

I don’t want only to have 50 items, but I want to have experiences, clothing, and gear that truly make me happy.

One last example, I started purchasing quality gear. And instead of having ten sweaters, I have a few that I really enjoy. One of those is the amazing Arc’terix sweater I’m currently wearing. It’s not cheap but truly amazing and keeps me warm (picture for you below).

Minimalism Is Different For Everyone

For me, it’s a simple definition of doing more with less. Not having to work hundreds of hours to get what I think I want. And most of all, finding what has truly made me happy.

I mean, let’s be serious. We don’t need much to be happy.

Have you ever gone hiking, seen amazing views, and weren’t happy?

I remember the last snowshoe hike I went on. It was tiring, but the views from the top made it worth it. I had what I needed on my back and was in good company.

What more could you ask for?

Going back to the video above. It’s amazing how such a short video can really get you thinking. I think it would be awesome to let me know what you think in the comments below.

Then I have a challenge for you:
After leaving me a comment, Take a 5-minute walk outside. And then see how your feeling.
I think you will find it really doesn’t take much to make us happy.

If you want to be truly awesome, post again and let me know. You can even attach a picture. In fact, I’m going to get dressed right now and do just that!

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